According to San Diego State University researchers, young Americans are having less sex.
And the coronavirus pandemic is not solely to blame.
Researchers studied nearly 10,000 US adults from 2000 to 2018.
They found that sexual inactivity for men 18 to 24 increased sharply from 18.9% between 2000 and 2002 to 30.9% between 2016 and 2018.
Women ages 25 to 34 were also having less sex.
The reason?
Researchers say that’s complicated.
First researchers found that adolescents and young adults are taking longer to grow to adulthood.
Meaning they are postponing having sex, getting married, buying homes and having children of their own.
However researchers say the growth of the internet and digital media could also be affecting the sex lives of young people.
Simply put: there are now many more choices of things to do in the late evening than there once were and fewer opportunities to initiate sexual activity, especially if both partners are engrossed in social media, electronic gaming and binge watching streaming services.
Researchers say the coronavirus pandemic may play a small role because it might be harder for couples to act on their impulses due to social distancing measures and stay-at-home orders.
Posted – 6.13.20