A Philadelphia police inspector is charged with assault after this video emerged.
It shows staff inspector Joseph Bologna striking a Temple University student with a baton during demonstrations Monday.
Police also arrested the student but the district throughout the charges.
And in New York two police officers were charged with second-degree assault after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground than stepping over his bleeding unconscious body.
House Democrats plan to introduce a policing reform bill Monday.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the bill will come from the Congressional Black Caucus.
The legislation comes amid protests over the death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers.
CNN obtained a summary of the legislation Saturday.
It seeks to address racial profiling, excessive use of force and “qualified immunity” for police officers.
That’s a legal document that shields officers from being sued for actions performed while on duty unless their actions clearly violate federal law or constitutional rights.
The bill will also try to improve trust between police departments and communities.
The summary shows it contains antilynching provisions and would create a “national police misconduct registry.”
Posted – 6.7.20