April, May and June are peak severe weather months for much of the United States.
Forecasters say this weekend is expected to bring severe storms and flash flooding across the southern Plains and possible tornadoes and damaging winds across the southeast.
However during this severe weather season, residents may be seeking shelter from storms while at the same time trying to practice social distancing.
Government officials warn than keeping safe during storms should take precedence over coronavirus concerns, although people should try to limit the spread of Covid-19 as much is possible.
Having a severe weather plan can help.
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) recommends identifying the best place to take refuge from the storm.
Basements are ideal but if you don’t have a below ground storm shelter, well-constructed homes and buildings will provide protection against most tornadoes.
But if you can’t seek refuge at home, the AMS suggests the next best option may be public storm shelters which are often set up in schools, stores or community centers.
Experts recommend people take refuge there despite coronavirus concerns.
A message on the AMS website says “Do not let the virus prevent you from seeking refuge from a tornado.”
Posted – 4.11.20