Okay this next story is pretty graphic.
If you get squeamish around snakes or cringe watching live medical procedures, you may want to cover your eyes or just leave the room.
I’ll wait a few seconds before telling my producer roll the video.
Okay take a look.
This is video of veterinarians in Australia pulling a huge beach towel out of a snake!
That’s were able to find the missing item using an endoscope, an instrument used to get a view of the internal parts of the body.
Then they used long forceps to grasp the towel and safely removed it.
The family who owns the 18-year-old jungle carpet python says she ate the entire towel the night before.
They couldn’t retrieve the towel themselves so they brought her to the small animal specialist hospital.
The snake is now back at home and her owner says she is back to normal.
Posted – 2.29.20